For bacteria, addiction to DNA can be a life or death situation. Lose that DNA and the bacterium suffers an unfortunate toxic death. Many bacteria easily transfer DNA amongst themselves in the forms of plasmid DNA. Plasmids are mobile genetic elements that replicate independently of the chromosome. These small circular pieces of DNA often contain…
Meet a microbiologist: Naomi Boxall
Naomi Boxall is not afraid to point out that the pictures of people in white lab coats with colorful vials of liquids do not show how real science is done. She’s had to take one of those pictures herself. Her time in science has led her to sample soil and water in the Western Australian…
Meet a microbe: Deinococcus radiodurans
Meet Deinococcus radiodurans, one of the world’s toughest bacterium. It’s an extremophile and one of the most radiation-resistant organisms known on Earth. This hardy little bacterium can survive over a thousand times the amount of radiation that would kill a human. Its tolerance to many harsh conditions has earned itself the name “Conan the Bacterium,”…
Meet a microbiologist: Eva Garmendia
Eva Garmendia has always been interested in the small and invisible since she can remember. According to Eva, she was “[amazed] that there is a universe we couldn’t see and yet, we could study and understand it.” As an undergraduate at the University of Granada, she found genetics calling her name and spent her time…
The underground social network between trees
Note: As an Amazon Associate I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from links in this post (affiliate disclosure). When I picked up Peter Wohlleben’s book The Hidden Life of Trees, I expected to read about interactions between fungi and plant life. And indeed, the fascinating relationships between these diverse life forms were discussed at…